Will RoverMD make my office paperless?
Yes. By providing cutting-edge electronic documentation and imaging capabilities, RoverMD aims to eliminate paper. From a user-friendly interface, all of your paper documents can be scanned and stored electronically with RoverMD.
Is RoverMD a desktop application or cloud based?
RoverMD, in contrast to other systems, is a cloud-based system that does not necessitate costly installation and can be accessed using only an internet browser. RoverMD doesn’t need new computers, servers, software licenses, or upkeep.
Is RoverMD certified?
RoverMD is a CCHIT-certified, all-encompassing EMR with Meaningful Use certification. In addition, RoverMD holds ISO 270001:2005 certification for information security, in process of certifying for electronic prescribing, and ISO 9001:2000 certification for quality operations.
Is RoverMD equipped with the latest coding standards?
RoverMD uses ICD-10 and fully able to migrate you to this latest coding standard.
What specialties does RoverMD support?
RoverMD caters hospitals, emergency rooms, skilled nursing facilities as well as 20 specialties. Please see this list here.
What is RoverMD’s costing and pricing policy?
Please see this page.
How long does RoverMD take for implementation?
Between sign-on and go-live, implementation typically takes four to six weeks. Our cloud-based software eases the transition to avoid disruption to the business, depending on the practice’s size. Compared to client-server models, which require the installation of hardware, software, and days of training, the implementation time is significantly shorter and costs less.
Does RoverMD provide training and support?
In addition to the RoverMD e-Learning center, which provides on-demand training in the most effective manner, typically five online training sessions are offered by each provider.

Except on holidays, RoverMD offers phone support Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM EST.

Can RoverMD be integrated with medical devices and digital services?
Yes, RoverMD is fully capable of integrating with medical devices, other EHRs, labs, radiologies and public health registries.
What insurance companies does RoverMD cover?
RoverMD covers all insurance companies in the United States.
How many patients can register in the system?

The system allows you to view, add, edit, delete as many patients as you want, there is no limit. 

Is there any messaging feature too?

RoverMD offers you to interact with your patients as well as providers with our messaging service. 

Does RoverMD own my data?

Although RoverMD stores your data, you retain complete ownership and control over it. If you decide to stop using RoverMD, you can take it with you and access it at any time. 

Is RoverMD HIPAA compliant?

Yes, RoverMD is HIPAA compliant as well as Meaningful Use Certified. 

Can RoverMD differentiate between different levels of users?

RoverMD provides sophisticated access control and authorization mechanisms. Access rights based on roles can be changed right away. You can check what was accessed, by whom, and when using the audit trail feature.